
Asbestos Laboratory Testing

Despite its common use in building construction, asbestos has become one of the most dangerous building materials ever used.

Understanding Asbestos

Asbestos is a collective term encompassing a group of highly fibrous minerals characterized by their separable, long, and thin fibers. These fibers possess remarkable strength and flexibility, allowing them to be spun and woven into various materials. Due to their heat and chemical resistance, asbestos fibers have found extensive use in numerous industrial applications.

The classification of asbestos includes six regulated, naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals: chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. When disturbed, asbestos has the potential to release microscopic fibers into the air, presenting an inhalation hazard. Despite their small size, these fibers can remain airborne for extended periods.

Asbestos has historically been employed in a wide range of building construction materials for insulation and fire-retardant purposes. Its resistance to heat and most chemicals led to its inclusion in over 3,000 different products, such as roofing materials, brake pads, and cement pipes used in water distribution systems. Presently, asbestos is most commonly encountered in older homes, where it can be found in pipe and furnace insulation materials, asbestos shingles, millboard, textured paints, coating materials, and floor tiles.

During remodeling activities involving cutting, sanding, or other forms of disturbance, there is a potential for the release of elevated concentrations of airborne asbestos. It is crucial to note that asbestos can only be positively identified by a trained analyst utilizing specialized microscopes.

Our Laboratory and Expertise

At Allab, our state-of-the-art laboratory is equipped with highly trained and experienced staff, as well as advanced equipment and instrumentation, enabling us to deliver exceptional asbestos analysis services. We offer comprehensive testing of air, water, bulk, soil, and dust samples, employing various methodologies in compliance with recognized standards such as NIOSH, EPA, OSHA, ASTM, and more.

Our wide range of analytical techniques includes:

  1. Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM): This method allows for the rapid screening and estimation of asbestos fibers in air samples, providing valuable information regarding potential exposure levels.
  2. Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM): PLM enables the identification and quantification of asbestos fibers in bulk materials, such as insulation, floor tiles, and other building materials.
  3. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM): With the capability to visualize and analyze asbestos fibers at an extremely high resolution, TEM provides precise identification and characterization of asbestos types and their dimensions.

We take pride in our extensive experience collaborating closely with regulatory bodies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other large clients on specialized, large-scale sites. This experience allows us to provide comprehensive asbestos testing solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients.

At Allab, we are committed to delivering precise, reliable, and timely results, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and customer satisfaction.

Full list of asbestos testing services provided by our laboratory (click for details)
Asbestos in Consumer Products
Asbestos in Lung Tissue by Chemical Bleach Digestion
Asbestos in Paint, Crayons and Other Pigments
Asbestos in Powders
Brake Pads and Other Automotive Parts
Consulting Support
Heat-Altered Asbestos from Fire Debris
ISO 10312 - Ambient Air and Activity-Based Samples
ISO 13792 - Overloaded Air Samples by Indirect Preparation
Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) - Community Air Monitoring Projects
NY ELAP Method 198.1
NY ELAP Method 198.4 (TEM with Gravimetric Prep)
NY ELAP Method 198.6 (PLM with Gravimetric Prep)
PCM NIOSH 7400 B Rules
PCM NIOSH 7400 Method with OSHA 8 Hour Time Weighted Average (TWA)
PLM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling and Gravimetric Prep Level A
PLM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling and Gravimetric Prep Level B
PLM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling Prep Level A
PLM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling Prep Level B
PLM EPA 600 / M4-82-020
PLM EPA NOB - EPA/600/R-93/116 with Gravimetric Prep
PLM EPA NOB - EPA/600/R-93/116 with Gravimetric Prep (Ontario Regulation 278/05)
PLM EPA/600/R-93/116
PLM EPA/600/R-93/116 (400 Point Count)
PLM NYS ELAP 198.8 - Vermiculite
TEM AHERA (40 CFR Part 763 Appendix A subpart E)
TEM ASTM D-5755 (MicroVac)
TEM ASTM D-6281-98
TEM ASTM D-6480 (Wipe)
TEM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling and Gravimetric Prep Level B
TEM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling and Gravimetric Prep Level C
TEM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling Prep Level B
TEM by EPA/600/R-93/116 with Milling Prep Level C
TEM Modified CARB AHERA (Price up to 10 Grid Openings)
TEM NIOSH 7402 (40 Grid Openings Analyzed)
TEM Qualitative via Drop Mount Prep Technique
TEM Qualitative via Filtration Prep Technique


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